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Clairvoyance is the ability to discern people who are not in the observer's presence.



  • Molly Walker naturally possessed this ability. (The Hard Part)
  • According to an event message on Heroes: Survival, Adam Soo Hoo has this ability.



Molly could see visions of people by thinking about them. She could also see glimpses of what that person was doing. It was suggested that she could only locate evolved humans (Heroes Reborn app), but she once used her power to locate Mira Shenoy, who is not known to have an ability and dismissed the idea of superhuman abilities as ridiculous (Second Chances).

Molly could locate people by concentrating on them. She could then indicate the person's location on a map. She was able to pinpoint Matt's father to a specific room in an apartment building. Molly apparently needed to know something about a person before she could locate them. She asked Maya for a picture of Alejandro that she could use to search for him (Powerless), but Noah believed that she could find West given only his name (Cautionary Tales).

The manner in which Molly used her clairvoyant powers to locate Maury Parkman's apartment suggests that she actually had an "out-of-body experience" while using her powers, although she was able to maintain consciousness in two places at once. (The Kindness of Strangers)

Molly was unable to find the deceased Alejandro, showing that she is unable to locate dead bodies (Powerless). It is unclear whether she was able to locate other non-living objects; she had not attempted to do so. However, she did describe her ability as finding people. Molly was capable of detecting other people near the ones she was looking for, for example, she was able to detect Sylar when he was close to Monica Dawson (Rebellion, Part 7).

When Rebel needed to find their family members and are unable to locate them, they enlisted Molly's help to find them using this ability. She was able to find them all instantly with the aid of pictures shown to her. However, while during the rescue she detected Monica nearby, they were unable to locate her despite Molly still seeing her tied to a chair where they were. When Molly got worried about West and Sparrow she used clairvoyance to look for them and apparently saw what they were up to, as she became instantly worried. Later, as everyone was trying to escape, she figured out where Monica was with her power. She realized Monica was not there, but in a hospital in Washington, D.C. After she gave Micah the address, the team used it to find and finally rescue Monica. (Rebellion, Part 6, Rebellion, Part 7)

After being captured by Erica Kravid and Renautas, Molly was hooked up to E.P.I.C, a system run off of her power that could track evos across the world. Harnessing Molly's power in this manner, allowed Renautas to remote view any evo in the world any time they wanted until Molly sacrificed herself to destroy E.P.I.C. (Under the Mask, The Needs of the Many)

When asked to find Claire Bennet, Molly finds her body as she has recently died, showing that her power has evolved as before she could only locate the living. (June 13th, Part One)

Molly attempted to use her powers to locate the future Hiro Nakamura in the present, displaying an ability to track multiple versions of a person at once. However, instead of locating Hiro, Molly located Tommy Clark who possessed Hiro's power now. (June 13th, Part Two)


Memorable Quotes[]

"Well, you know who can stop the boogeyman? You. I hear you have an amazing ability."

"It's not so amazing. They ask me where people are, and I find them."

"You find them? Anywhere in the world?"

"Yeah, I just think about them, and then I know where they are."

- Mohinder, Molly (The Hard Part)


  • Chandra Suresh assembled a folder in the Genesis files about this power.
  • Peter has been in close proximity to Molly, but has not displayed this ability.
  • In an interview, Adair Tishler said that her character has the power to locate anyone or anything.
  • In a deleted scene from Our Father found on the Season Three DVD, Arthur says that Molly can "find anyone, at any time". Indeed, Arthur steals the ability and uses it to find Hiro, stuck in 1992. However, Since Molly still had her ability during the Rebellion arc, this scene is not considered part of the Heroes canon.
  • The Heroes Reborn app refers to this ability as "locational clairvoyance". The character summary for Molly also suggests that she could only locate evolved humans, as it described the ability as "Molly's power to find other evolved humans".

See Also[]

  • For the ability to know the emotions, thoughts, and motives of others, see Empathy.

