Dream Manipulation is the ability to manipulate the dreams of others.
- Sanjog Iyer is the only character to have demonstrated this ability. (Seven Minutes to Midnight)
- According to a list of evos that Joanne stole, Fredrick Ganes has this ability. (The Needs of the Many)
The operation of Sanjog's power is not well known, although he has stated that those with questions come to him and that he does not go to them.
Sanjog appears to be able to intrude into the dreams of only people who are already asleep.
There may be a clairvoyant aspect to the images Sanjog creates, since the image he summoned of the murder of Chandra Suresh contains details of events that neither he nor the dreamer — Mohinder Suresh — actually witnessed. He also helped Piper to remember her past which was supposedly erased by the Haitian. (Different and the Same)
Judging from how he entered Abu Aswan's dream (History of a Secret), geographic location does not limit this ability since Sanjog is in India and Abu is in Egypt. Dream manipulation can also display events which occurred long before an individuals lifetime as both Abu and Sanjog are in the present day and Khufu is in the past, over four millennia ago.
When he enters Piper's dream, he hands her her glasses. (Different and the Same) It is interesting to note that before Piper dreams, she is not wearing any glasses, however, when she wakes up from the dream, she is wearing the pair of glasses that Sanjog hands her.
(Seven Minutes to Midnight)
(Seven Minutes to Midnight)
(Seven Minutes to Midnight)
Memorable Quotes[]
"It says the boy can enter your dreams, alter your perceptions, a kind of spirit guide."
- - Mohinder (to Nirand) (Homecoming)
- Sanjog's file, found in Chandra's desk at his office, contains articles about continued learning during sleep. (Seven Minutes to Midnight)
- Maury Parkman has shown that he has the ability to induce dreams and nightmares. His power should not be confused with Sanjog's power to manipulate the dreams of others.
- Angela Petrelli has shown that she can appear in people's dreams. But this should not be confused with Sanjog's power.
See Also[]
- For the ability to see the future through dreams, see Precognitive Dreaming.