Heroes Wiki
Miko Otomo
HeroesRB Miko Simple
Nickname(s) Katana Girl
Power Teleportation
Gender Female
Status Active
Family Information
Family Hachiro Otomo(father)
First Episode Brave New World(Reborn)
Portrayed By Kiki Sukezane


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Heroes Reborn

In "Brave New World (Reborn)" Miko lives in Tokyo Japan, she is in her apartment listening to music and folding origami when she is startled by a guy named Ren Shimosawa, he tells her that he was sent to her apartment by a secret message from a computer game called "Evernow" that gave him her address, she tells him that he's made a mistake and she puts him out. Ren comes back to her apartment to prove to her that she's Katana girl but she still doesn't believe him and she kicks him out again but she begins to read the comic he left and she starts to wonder if he was telling the truth. She goes into one of her father's rooms and discover a sword under the floor just like the comic said, she takes the sword out and is teleported into Evernow, she kills several samurai's in the game.

In "Odessa" Miko is still in Evernow, fighting off the enemy samurai's, she kills several of them. She finds her father but is knocked unconscious before she could do anything to save him Miko awakens outside of the game, she realizes that she needs to go back in to save her father, so she does. Miko finally comes back out the game and finds her self in a building, meaning she Teleported there and then she begins fighting off the security guards.

In "Under the Mask Miko is at Yamagato Tower fighting off the security until Harria Prime enters the room, he defeats Miko and takes her sword. She is interrogated by Prime, she tells him that she got the sword from her father but then Prime basically tells her he knows that she's a EVO. Then she asks him wheres her father, Prime realizes that she doesn't remember the accident, the death, he teks out a knife then Miko is able to take it from him and cut off his hand, then she runs away with Ren. She tells Ren that they have her sword and that she can't save him without it, Ren tells her that Erica Kravid has her sword and that she's going to Colorado.

Powers and Abilities

Miko has the unique ability to enter and exit the video game world of Evernow simply by unsheathing Hiro Nakamura's sword. She is an expert sword fighter and martial artist inside and outside the game.

Memorable Quotes

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Miko has a unique ability never seen before within the Heroes series
