"Orientation" is the first chapter of Volume Five, and Season Four of Heroes. It originally aired on September 21, 2009.
Claire struggles with adjusting to her new life in college. Elsewhere, Hiro and Ando continue their noble quest to help people by promoting their abilities. Angela fears Nathan will soon discover his true identity; while Matt is haunted by an unexpected visitor seeking something he has lost. Tracy Strauss and Noah join forces while Peter uses his abilities for good. A mysterious carnival clan, led by ringleader Samuel sets their sights on familiar faces.
My brother, Joseph, and I have had two families. The first one... well let's just say it didn't work out too well. But over the years, we made ourselves a new one. And it was to this family, all of you, that his heart really belonged. You see, a family is something that Joseph and I needed. It offers protection from the outside world. A world that never understood or appreciated what makes us different. There are others like us out there, in the shadows, in the light. Each grasping for a meaning in a world that won't accept them for who they really are. They, like us are blessed, gifted with extraordinary abilities. And they like us struggle with finding their place in an ordinary world. Haunted by their past from those who would harm them and keep them from their destiny. Every one of them deserves a chance to be who they really are. But to what end? For what purpose? Here in this place, we offer salvation. We offer hope, we offer redemption. And one by one, they will come to our side, to our family. And they will find their way home. And all who have gathered, will be strong. And all who have gathered, will stand in unison. I say it's time we found our way back home again. Find your way home, brother.